A collection of my data science projects, spanning concepts across statistical modelling, machine learning frameworks and deep learning pipelines.
Clean Sat
A deep learning package for semantic labelling of clouds in satellite images
Predicting water quality across households in India
YouTube Trends
Dashboards for visualizing YouTube channel metrics, including sentiment scores and trends over time
colourpycker / colourpickr
Open-source packages for extracting colour codes from image files for use in data visualization projects
Exploratory Analysis on Women in Data Science (2022)
Extracting insights on the state of the data industry, with aims to highlight areas for improvement and encourage women to join the movement
A social platform that enables users to share outfit pictures, supported by a recommender system to will help others discover new styles and items
Predicting the Grade of Restaurants in New York City
A data analysis project on predicting healthcode violations of NYC restaurants